Sunday, February 21, 2010

Breaset feeding

Breaset feedingBreast feeding is a process of breast fed to her child. Babies should started to breast fed as soon as possible within 30 minutes after birth starting to breast fed immediately after birth stimulates the production of breast milk. If possible breast feeding should Begin not later then one hour after the delivery of the baby.

In some areas, mothers are advised not to feed their babies on the yellowish breast milk called(colostrum) which is produced in the first few days after The birth. This ad viced is wrong. Colostrum is good for babies and helps to protect them against common infections. The baby does not need any other foods or drinks while waiting for the norther's mil to "come in".

Mother can still breastfeed even when she had undergone caesarion operation, even when she menstruating, or even when she has common cold or flu, or have small breast. Women may fell a little discomfort at the smart of breast feeding. But if the woman is emotionally and psychologically fitted, this will encourage them let down reflex that controls milk flow. Silk babies can and should continue to be breastfeed. The breast food for any baby is their own mother's milk.

From birth, the baby should be breastfed when ever he or she wants to, usually indicated by crying. Demand feeding is best for baby and best for mother and frequent sucking at the breast is necessary to stimulate the production of more breast milk. From the moment of birth up yo the age of sex months, breast milk is all the food and drinks a baby needs. Supplementary foods and drinks are necessary when a baby reaches the age of six months until the age of nine or ten months, the baby should be breastfed first be for other foods. Breastfeeding should continue well into the second year of life and fore longer if possible.

Advantage of breastfeeding

There are several advantage of breastfeeding for baby and mother. Some important advantages of breastfeeding are as follows.

  1. Babies fed on breast milk have fewer illness and less malnutrition then babies who are fed on other food.
  2. Breast milk along is the best possible food and drink for the baby in the first six months of life. It is the breast food a child will ever have all substitutes.
  3. Even in hot, dry climates, breast milk contains sufficient water for a long baby's needs. Additional water or sugar drinks are not needed to quench the baby's thirst.
  4. Frequent breastfeeding, both day and night, helps to delay the return of menstruation and so help to post pone the next pregnancy.
  5. The thick yellowish breast milk which is produced in the first few days after the birth helps to protect them against common infections.
  6. Frequent sucking helps to stop the breast from becoming swollen and painful.
  7. Breast milk in an important source of energy and protein and helps to protect against disease during the child's second year of life.
  8. A child who is needs breast milk. It provides nutritious easily digestible food when the child loses appetite for other foods.
  9. A mother feels a kind of satisfaction during breastfeeding.
  10. Breastfeeding makes emotional relationship between mother and children.
  11. Breastfeeding reduce the probabilities of becoming breast cancer.
  12. It contains every thing a baby needs for health and growth.
  13. Always clean and free from germs.
  14. Always available, fresh at a right temperature.
  15. Easy to feed, no preparation is required.
  16. Breastfeeding helps to create a close relationship between mother and baby.

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