Saturday, February 20, 2010

Issues and Problems of Adolescence

  1. The major physical hazard of adolescence, suicide is becoming increasingly frequent and serious, through other physical hazards, such as awkwardness, a sex-inappropriate baby build and homeliness are to common to be overlooked.
  2. The major psychological hazards of adolescence center around failure to make transition to maturity, which is the most important development task of adolescence.this future is often due to obstacles over which adolescents have little or on control.
  3. Shift in mood
  4. Lack of control emotion
  5. Feeling of inferiority and superiority
  6. Feeling of anxiety and guilty
  7. Feeling of double standard
  8. Sexual fantasy
  9. Sexual harassment, Sexual abuse, Sexual exploitation
  10. Negative Sexual attitudes.

Management of Issues and Problems of Adolescents

  1. Role of parent, family, relatives and community
  2. Role of School and college
  • Including sex education in curriculum
  • Extra curricular activities
  • Counseling

3. Role of beer group/youth group

4. Own role

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