Sunday, February 21, 2010

Change During Adolescence

Change that take place during the period of adolescence can be ategorized female during three different categories
Physical change

    1.Mental change

    2.psychological change

1. Physical change

There are different kind of physical change can be observed in both make and female during adolescent. So physical change during adolescence can be separately described.

A. Physical change during adolescence in female:

Breast Budding

This starts between age of 8 and 13 and complete between ages of 13 and 18

Pulic Hair

Pubic hair begins to grow between the ages of 11and 12 on an average.

Axillary hair

Axillary hair appears on an average some 2 years after the beginning of public hair growth.

Menarche starts

Generally the age range for menarche may very from 9-18 years. this usually begins 2 years after the starts of breast development.

Completion of the growth of uterus and vagina

The musculature well of the uterus becomes larger and elaborate. The vagina becomes larger and its lining grows thicker.

Growth of Bony Pelvis

This change primarily involves the widening of the pelvic inlet and broadening the much more noticeable hips.

Voice change melodious voice

B.physical changes during adolescence in male

Growth of testes and scrotum

Growth of testes and scrotum usually begins between the ages of 10 and 14 years and is completed between the ages of 14 to 18 years. During the period, seminiferious tubules increases in size and the cells in the lining of the tubules pass through a succession of stages.

Growth of public hair

This occurs between the ages of 10 and 15. Public hair becomes darker, coarser and more curly hair as it spreads over the scrotum and higher up the abdomen.

Wet Dream/ nocturnal emission

This usually occurs about a year after testicular growth. The average age for first ejaculation is 14.6 years of age.

Growth of penis

The start of penis growth spurt occurs normally between the ages of 10.5 years and completion of this growth spurt range from 12.5 to 16 .5 years.

Voice Change

This occurs relatively late in adolescence and of ten a gradual process.

Facial hair

Facial hair begins to grow at about the time auxiliary hair appears

Auxiliary hair

These generally appears a couple of years the growth of public hair.

2.Psychological Changes

Psychological changes during adolescence period are like more or less same in both male and female. These are listed as followings.

  • Development of sense of identity
  • Drawing apart from older members of the family
  • developing more intense relationship with peers, particularly with those of the opposite sex.
  • Moving from group of the same sex to mixed group.
  • Sexual pairing may take place.
  • Because they mixture earlier, girls may experience romantic interest before boys, this sometimes leads to sexual activity.

3.Mental Changes

Mental changes during adolescence period are less or more same in both male and female. These are listed as followings.

  • Adolescence is a time for exploration and discovery
  • Young people begin to think seriously and plan for their future during this phase.
  • To achieve emotional maturity, adolescents must learn to get a perspective on situations which otherwise would bad to emotional reactions.

They can do this by discussing their problems with others.

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